I'm gonna try and restrict myself to only posting about things that I find wacky or wrong on Thursdays. We'll see how well that works down the line, but for now, here's a doozy:
"Jason" is a guy who cut off one of his hands, because having "two hands was a defect in my body."
Years ago, after a lifetime of anguish due to having an extra hand — essentially a birth defect in his opinion — he took the radical step of amputating this hand just above the wrist. He’s never regretted his action, and feels that now his body is “right”. Other than his former BIID (“Body Integrity Identity Disorder”) affectation, he’s completely normal, and now that he’s surgically corrected himself his life has improved drastically.
Saaaaaaaaaay whaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Where to start? Oh, how about, who let him get so far that he was able to stage an accident where he cut off his own hand?! Isn't there some sort of treatment for this?
It's sad to think that this guy spent his entire life basically thinking he was lopsided, and no one knew it. He's obviously pretty smart (has a master's, owns his own business), but why couldn't he at least talk to his parents?
And in a completely unrelated note, boos all around to the Notre Dame Observer for their crappy job abbreviating an article's title to fit the page in the National News section on Tuesday (Repairs Start in Twister-Damaged South).
The abbreviated title read: "Recovery starts in 'Bama." 'Bama? The article's not about sports or the guy I sat next to at high school graduation! 11000 homes and businesses were trashed in that tornado. Let's show a little respect for the state of Alabama here.
Gandhi from Clone High. What do bonus points get me?
My eternal devotion?
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