(Imagine a heart around this)
Oh, New York Times, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
1) Your crazy, yet classy, old west/old world-style font (see above).
2) I often get complaints when I insist that my coworkers follow the Chicago Manual of Style to the letter. "Why does it matter?" G-money* whines.
Celebrating the Semicolon in a Most Unlikely Location
Well, G, here's your answer:
People have lost fortunes and even been put to death because of imprecise punctuation involving semicolons in legal papers.
3) Why is it so bad to be an intelligent person? I'm smart about a lot of things**. I have a freakish memory for historical trivia, and ask me about television guest stars. I know 'em. Why? Dunno.
Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?
. . . eggheads, nerds, bookworms, longhairs, pointy heads, highbrows and know-it-alls have been mocked and dismissed throughout American history.
So this just confirms my suspicions: Witnessing other peoples' idiocy makes us feel smarter. Even the book's author (in the article) does it.
I know it's the reason I love to watch Cops.
* Purely as an example. I know G-money would never question my "my rule is law" law.
** Ignore anything K-10 says about my aversion to correct spelling.
"Witnessing other people's idiocy make us feel smarter."
Um, yeah that should actually read:
"Witnessing other people's idiocy makes us feel smarter."
Now I feel smarter.
Yeah, yeah.
Nobody likes a smartass.
G-money does.
That's 'cause G is a smartass and like seeks like.
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